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State of Rhode Island, Rehabilitation Code Board , Rehabilitation Building and Fire Code for Existing Buildings and Structures

History of the Joint Committee

The State of Rhode Island Rehabilitation Building and Fire Code for Existing Buildings and Structures was adopted by the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal & Review and the Building Code Standards Committee on January 22, 2002. The new Rehabilitation Code provided a single, uniform, statewide code with fire code and building code elements applicable to covered existing buildings and structures. It has an effective date of May 1, 2002.

With the adoption of this new code, the Joint Committee on the Rehabilitation Building and Fire Code for Existing Buildings and Structures acknowledged the substantial efforts, support, and guidance of the following individuals and organizations:

The Joint Committee recognized the political leadership and support of Governor Lincoln C. Almond, Lt. Governor Charles J. Fogarty, Senate Majority Leader William V. Irons, House Speaker John B. Harwood, and their respective staffs, in making the Rehabilitation Code a reality. The Joint Committee further recognized the foresight and efforts of Senators Paul S. Kelly, V. Susan Sosnowski, John M. Roney, Dennis L. Algiere and Thomas R. Coderre along with Representatives John J. McCauley, Frank A. Montanaro, Paul E. Moura, Thomas C. Slater, and Rene R. Menard, all of whom introduced the legislation necessary for the adoption of the Rehabilitation Code. The Joint Committee further recognized the encouragement and support it received from Mayor Vincent A. Cianci, Jr. and Director of Administration Patricia McLaughlin of the City of Providence. Finally, the Joint Board thanked the Senators and Representatives of the General Assembly who unanimously supported the above legislation.

The Joint Committee recognized the administrative support, technical assistance, and encouragement it received from the Governor’s Deputy Chief of Staff Clark Greene and Senate Policy Director Kenneth Payne. The Joint Committee further recognized the substantial support of DOA Director Robert Carl, DOA Deputy Director Dante E. Boffi, Jr. and DOA Associate Director of Central Services Dennis J. Lynch, Building Commissioner Joseph A. Cirillo, the Building Code Commission, State Fire Marshal Irving J. Owens, the Fire Safety Code Board of Appeal and Review, and their respective staffs. The Joint Committee further recognized the substantial day-to-day technical efforts of Providence Fire Marshal David Costa and the day-to-day administrative efforts of staff members Cynthia Dehler, Carol Marsella and Elaine Gordon.

The Joint Committee recognized and appreciated the participation of the membership of the Rhode Island Builders Association and President Steven Gianlorenzo, with special thanks to Past President Henry Richard, Sr., Executive Board Member Mark Van Noppen, and Executive Director Roger Warren.

The Joint Committee recognized and appreciated the participation of the membership of the Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission with special thanks to Virginia Hesse, Roberta Randall, and Executive Director Edward Sanderson.

The Joint Committee recognized and appreciated the participation of the membership of the Governor’s Commission on Disabilities with special thanks to Harvey Salvas and Executive Director Robert Cooper.

The Joint Committee recognized and appreciated the participation of the membership of Grow Smart Rhode Island, with special thanks to Executive Director Scott Wolf.

The Joint Committee recognized and appreciated the participation of the membership of the Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns with special thanks to Executive Director Daniel Beardsley.

The Joint Committee recognized and appreciated the participation of the membership of the Providence Foundation with special thanks to Executive Director Daniel Baudouin.

The Joint Committee recognized and appreciated the participation of the membership and staff of the National Fire Protection Association with special thanks to Vice President Gary Keith. The Board noted that the final draft of this Code was based primarily upon Chapter 54 of NFPA 5000. The Joint Committee finally recognized and appreciated the guidance and participation of Code Consultants Melvyn Green, William E. Koffel, and David Hattis for their assistance with the original draft of this Code.